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The Faeit 212BlogExchange is an exchange of links on each others blog rolls for bloggers. Its that simple. The purpose of the Faeit 212 BlogExchange is to generate and promote traffic and new ideas to the wider community of tabletop wargaming blogs around the world. If you are interested in joining the Faeit 212 BlogExchange, dont hesitate to shoot me an email, and dont forget the link back to your own site.

We have several new blogs this week to add to the exchange. Enjoy! I personally spent quite a bit of time on several of these new blogs. Lots of good tips, especially when it comes to painting.

Objective Secured
by  Nafnaf

Shake Your Brush
by CrAzY424 and Many Artists

Picta Mortis
by Picta Mortis

Bolter and Paint
by Marga and  Titi

Fire Broadside
by Martin

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