* - unless you are, then great! You can espouse why you like them in the comments.
Today's GGYNP is: DEADZONE by Mantic Games.

Deadzone is a 28mm skirmish wargame set on quarantined worlds in the Great Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere - a realm of space dominated by the Corporation, who believe that they are its rightful masters.
But occasionally contagion hits one of the worlds in the Co-Prosperity Sphere, and there is but one choice to quarantine the nightmarish things that mysteriously develops from alien disease-spreading artifacts.
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Like these guys. |
When the Corporation places a planet under Quarantine, several things happen, all of them very quickly.
1. All traffic to and from the planet is halted, and all Communications are cut. The Corporation doesn't want panic to spread, so Denial is their best weapon.
2. The Corporation's best of the best, the Enforcers, are raced to the planet to hunt down and eliminate anyone and anything infected by the Plague.
3. The opportunists move in.
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Oh, you mean like US? |
Deadzone was one of the biggest game releases from Kickstarter in late 2013. The base game included two factions (Enforcers and Plague) but also releasing at the same time were the Maruauders (militant Space Orx, frequently mercenaries but are often renegades from the Corporation overlords) and the Rebs (rag-tag collective of humans and aliens who are sworn to fight the Corporation...and generally live on its fringes as scavengers). In the game, each faction has its own motives and therefore its own missions - while the Plague generally have brutal missions focused on destruction, the Rebs are much more interested in getting into a zone, grabbing anything of value for the cause, and getting back out alive.
Plus have you seen the terrain that comes with this game?
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Try telling yourself that's not cool. | (the home of the game) (the designer's website)