Friday, July 27, 2018

White Dwarf Previews

With Adeptus Titanicus coming in August, an early preview of the upcoming White Dwarf is on the radar.

Here is the latest from the Warhammer Community

via the Warhammer Community

This month, the team have been getting stuck into Adeptus Titanicus – the new game of titanic battles in the Horus Heresy. This is our most detailed preview of the rules so far, featuring interviews with the designers and a Battle Report…

If you’re looking to improve your skills, August’s White Dwarf is packed with expert tips from our master painters and builders at Warhammer World. An invaluable Painting Masterclass contains some key advice for freehand insignia, tattoos and warpaint, while the Warhammer World studio team are on hand with guides to building duel scenes and dioramas.

Battle Companies fans, meanwhile, can get stuck in with another free expansion to the game courtesy of the Middle-earth team. You’ll be able to try a new Scenario and four new warbands, including one made up wholly of Heroes!

And that’s not all – you’ll also find Golden Demon Winners, tips for building and combining your Sector Imperialis terrain and much, much more.