Friday, July 27, 2018

First big Kill Team Tournament will be at Nova this year

This is rather cool.... The first big Kill Team event will be at Nova this year. That is rather exciting and it might be time to get a whole bunch of models together quickly to join in. Im considering joining up for this one myself, or at the very least watch the games.

I went and checked and there are not many tickets left for these events. Jump on them quickly.

via Dewey on the Warhammer Community Site
“Games Workshop worked closely with several key playtesters while developing Kill Team, including several NOVA Open lead organizers. We are beyond excited about how far the game advanced during the design process, and can’t wait to share it with the community at the NOVA Open this year. Kill Team is so good, several of the DC area playtesters are playing it every chance they get. Combining flavourful settings, balance-focused team-building mechanics and fast-paced fun gameplay, Kill Team is an amazing game!"