Thursday, April 23, 2015

Event Only Model Revealed!!!!

Finally we can talk about this model, as its now been revealed through the latest Hawk Wargames newsletter. This model (above) is the one that is available at events for the next year. The latest information is that each year a new event model will be revealed at Salute. A Double Decker Battle Bus is awesome! Of course I need at least 4! Enough to fill up two Krakens.

Occupational Veterans need to ride in style, and now they can. Word is that you can remove the top of this battle bus and that you can see stairs, seats etc, and position your AA or rockets crew there.

If you missed the Faeit 212 coverage of the new Dropzone Commander Commanders.... Check it out here.

You can see the latest event information here from Hawk Wargames.

via Haws Wargames for Salute this weekend.
Salute 2015
The entire Hawk Wargames team is ready and raring to go in preparation for our next big event – Salute 2015! We will be releasing more post-Salute information and a show review, but for those of you going to the event, here are just a few things to whet your appetites:

Presenting our brand new show only model – the special edition Resistance double-decker Battlebus!
-A selection of new unseen models and release concepts for each faction.

-Exhibition games, tactics advice from our team, and introductory games for anyone who’s interested in Dropzone Commander but hasn’t yet had a chance to give it a go.

-Studio models from all five armies, as well as the new and famous commanders.

-A chance to talk to our development team about up and coming units, projects and where we’re going, (do grab us for a chat).

-A brand new diorama, created especially for Salute 2015.

-The Avenger dropship, fully constructed and painted, revealed publically completed for the first time. It will be accompanied by some other things that will be worth looking at as well!

We will also have a range of new show only T-shirts in various sizes for sale at Salute 2015 for the first time...