Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tyranids Rumors are Hitting

Tyranids are said to be coming now less than a month away, and finally we are seeing some rumors come forth regarding what releases we might be seeing, including some rules.

Please remember that these are rumors, and although Larry is rating them as probable, I would be cautious.

via Larry Vela on Bell of Lost Souls
Author: Adam Troke

New Tyranid plastic kits:
Warrior - Shrike: 3 model kit.
HiveGuard - Tyrantguard: 3 model kit. New weapon option for Hiveguard, Full lash whip-sword-claw-talon bits for Tyrant guard.
Pyrovore - Biovore - Hellevore: 1 model plastic kit. 3 plastic spore mines included.
Harpy - Eriyne: 1 model plastic kit.
Mycetic Spore: 1 model plastic kit.
Tyranid Prime: 1 model plastic kit.

Troops FOC
Unit size up to 30
Cost: 4pt
Default comes with Fleshborer

Fleet for 1pt per model

+1 pt Spike Rifles
+2 pt Spinefists (now Assault x(minimum of 2) Twinlinked)
+4 pt Devourers

1 per 10 can take:
+10 pt Strangleweb
+15 pt Electroshock Spitter (S4 AP6 Template Assault 1)

+1 Adrenal Glands - Fleet and Furious Charge
+1 Toxin sacs - Poison (affects cc attacks)
+2 Toxic grubs - Poison (affects ranged fire)