Sunday, December 8, 2013

Faeit's Weekly Tarot: Tyranids, Centurions, and More.

This week something happened. A new release literally shocked community (despite the Tarot divination's foretelling its arrival), Escalation appeared and introduced Super Heavy Vehicles and Gargantuan creatures into standard 40k. Then we had our first real tellable sign that Tyranids are indeed on their way, the sighting of a new model in one of the pics of Escalation. Its been a busy week.

Faeit's Weekly Tarot takes a look at what happened this last week, from news to rumors just in case you missed something. Also keep an eye out, because there is often something new or breaking that occurs during the weekend, and this is where it ends up.

News of the Week
Games Workshop is continuing to release its 2013 Advent Calendar and its been quite a ride with new formations and units for both 40k and Fantasy. There is more to come of course to come all the way to December 25th with the release of Cypher.

Then we have what no one can really stop talking about, Escalation and Stronghold Assault. These bad boys are here and they are going to be hitting the tabletop soon. I know a good friend of mine is putting his super heavy together right now as I write this. (i feel some pain coming).

Stronghold Assault is by far my favorite of these releases, and the options in the book are simply amazing.

Games Workshop: Escaltion Released
Games Workshop: Stronghold Assault Released
Black Library Digital: Dataslates
     Tau Firebase Support Cadre
     Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing
     Eldar Ghost Warrior
Black Library Digital: Battlescrolls
     The Restless Dead
     Creatures of the Chaos Wastes
Forgeworld: Primarch Lorgar Released

Cypher and GW Digital Release

Games Workshop Digital has been running an advent release calendar with two new releases per day throughout the month. There has been a lot of excitement about these, as they have thrown in new rules for formations and units in the form of Dataslates or Battlescrolls.

We have rumored line-ups for these advent calendar releases, so that you can take a look at what is being said is coming.

via Tune from the Faeit 212 inbox. *****
9th: Battlescroll: Crypt Scavengers
10th: Index Chaotica: Terminus Est
11th: Dataslate: Centurion Siegebreaker Cohort
12th: Dataslate: Reclusiam Command Squad
13th: Warlords of the Dark Millennium Vulkan He’stan
14th: Warhammer: Vanguard Clash

via an anoymous source on Faeit 212 *****
Dec15 - Warlords of the Dark Milienium : Dante - Dante Short Story
Dec16 - Warlords of the Dark Milienium : Champions of chaos - Lucius short story
Dec17 - Carnage, 4 players mission for 40k - Kantor short story
Dec18 - Warlords of the Dark Milienium : Sicarius - Sicarius Short Story
Dec19 - On contamunated ground, Apoc mission - Abbadon short story
Dec20 - Munitorum vol I - Calgar short story
Dec21 - Kill Team - Gabriel Seth short story
Dec22 - WHFB Blood in the snow - Bjorn short story
Dec23 - WHFB scrolls of binding compendium - The sanguinor short story
Dec24 - Warlords of the Dark Milienium : Masters of the dark angels - 
Sammael short story

Dec25 - Data slate CYPHER - HH Cypher short

Tyranid Model Seen and New Kits

Tyranids are right around the corner and already rumors are starting to come in. I would expect next week to get a little crazy around here. The above pictures is from Escalation (a released image), and shows a new model head in it, along with more subtleties that make it unique. Check it out.

via Tetrisphreak on Warseer *****
Hmm, what do they look like to you? Out of the new Escalation book.
The model at the front has a "new" head.

Another rumor that came in late yesterday is about model releases which include a lot of new plastic, and some rules.
via Larry Vela on Bell of Lost Souls **
Author: Adam Troke
New Tyranid plastic kits:
Warrior - Shrike: 3 model kit.
HiveGuard - Tyrantguard: 3 model kit. New weapon option for Hiveguard, Full lash whip-sword-claw-talon bits for Tyrant guard.
Pyrovore - Biovore - Hellevore: 1 model plastic kit. 3 plastic spore mines included.
Harpy - Eriyne: 1 model plastic kit.
Mycetic Spore: 1 model plastic kit.
Tyranid Prime: 1 model plastic kit.

Troops FOC
Unit size up to 30
Cost: 4pt
Default comes with Fleshborer

Fleet for 1pt per model
+1 pt Spike Rifles
+2 pt Spinefists (now Assault x(minimum of 2) Twinlinked)
+4 pt Devourers

1 per 10 can take:
+10 pt Strangleweb
+15 pt Electroshock Spitter (S4 AP6 Template Assault 1)
+1 Adrenal Glands - Fleet and Furious Charge
+1 Toxin sacs - Poison (affects cc attacks)
+2 Toxic grubs - Poison (affects ranged fire)

The Horus Heresy Starter Set

The idea of Forgeworld becoming more mainstream in 2014 lends very much to the idea of a starter set, although its still hard to fathom for Forgeworld. I am sure that this would be a stepping stone for many people to get into the game.

via Tim from the Faeit 212 inbox. ***
Forgeworld will release next Year a "Horus Heresy Starter Bundle" with Models, Rules & Accessories.

Dropzone Commander New Releases

There has been several sneak peaks of Dropzone Commander models filtering in almost daily now. Starting on the 13th we will start seeing more and more with more revealed every day until Christmas. There should even be one more released later today.

Here is a link to go ahead and get a sneak preview of what they are saying.

No Rumors or News Beyond this Point
I am rating what I personally think of the rumors (not the source). This is based off of behind the scenes knowledge, what different sources are saying, and general logic and guesswork. It goes like this

5 Stars. If its got a 5 star rating, Although still rumor, its only so because nothing has been officially announced (These are on the level that the Rumor Information is just undeniable or confirmed )

4 Stars is a very reliable rumor, and comes from someone I generally know to be in a good place, or the rumors match up well. These are not facts!, These are still rumors, and even great sources can have some information wrong on occasion. (think hastings-like, or close to that)

3 Stars, is a decent rumor. Should be looked at with some truth in it. An average rumor (most will fall here). Rumor based off of real information, discussion, or we do not know where it falls. (Like I said, most will fall here, and this is the baseline.)

2 stars. Most likely speculation, but sound OK. Every once in a while these have something (think Natfka doesn't really think this is happening, but ya never know)

1 Star. Way out in left field, and I feel that these are probably just wild speculation or made up. (think whoa, where the hell did this come from, and generally posted up because its fun, or Natfka was bored)