Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Strength of Armour in 6th: Blood Angels

Going a step further in this series of articles, I wanted to post up a couple of quick lists that are created in the way that I go about designing a mech heavy army.

Links incase you have not yet read what we are doing here.

I am going to start off with Blood Angels. This list was taken from the Voice who commented on the last post his theoretical list following my build style for heavy mech lists. This is his original list 1850pts

Libby - shield, lance, melta bomb, combi melta.
5 ass, plasma - razor - assault cannon (or twin plas/las)
5 ass, plasma - razor - assault cannon (or twin plas/las)
5 ass, plasma - razor - assault cannon (or twin plas/las)
5 ass, plasma - razor - assault cannon (or twin plas/las)
5 ass, plasma - razor - assault cannon (or twin plas/las)
5 ass, plasma - razor - assault cannon (or twin plas/las)
Bastion - quad
Baal, heavy bolters
Baal, heavy bolters
Pred, auto, heavy bolters
Pred, auto, heavy bolters
Pred, auto, heavy bolters
This is what I would do to it, to make it a heavier mech list. Remember please, that before I would even play this list, there is some work to do. I am not trying to produce net lists for people to play. Instead I am trying to give someone thats interested a starting place for their list design.

Librarian, shield and lance
5 Ass, Plasma- Razorback twin plas/las
5 Ass, Plasma- Razorback twin plas/las
5 Ass, Plasma- Razorback twin plas/las
Baal (no upgrades)
Baal (no upgrades)
Pred autocannon, heavy bolters
Pred autocannon, heavy bolters
Stormraven twin melta, twin las

Company Com. plasma x1, Chimera Hull HF
Platoon Command Grenade Lx1, Chimera Hull HF
Infantry Plat. Grenade Lx1, Chimera Hull HF
Infantry Plat. Grenade Lx1, Chimera Hull HF

My problems with this list currently is that right off, it feels a little naked. Meaning its a little light on the armour side with only 13 vehicles. (I would like to find one more). Also the company command only carrying 1 plasma is a weak spot for me, the same goes for only one Grenade launcher in the platoon command.

I do however love stormravens, and like the flyer capability of this list. The twin-linked shots from several of the vehicles adds to the flyer support, but the vendetta and stormraven can really come on the board and drop 3 flyers the round they come on.

Next I will do a Grey Knight rundown.