I am always looking at new miniatures from just about any company I can find and on occasion see something cool or unusual and have to ask.... Does the Genesys Project allow you to create a faction/class to use this miniature? 

This guy is from Mierce Miniatures and is part of their 1/2 off gargantuan miniatures sale right now.

I saw this miniature first thing in the morning and was like whoa, can I make it in the game? 

I handed this model off to one of the most crazy of playtesters and gave him the challenge
Fortunately I was told right away in under 5 seconds, YES! 

So how...........?

It was much quicker than I had thought to create a Monster delving into Fey Sphere of Death. While there are many ways to do this we will start with a Fey Faction taking the trait Hellish Monsters giving us the ability Monster 3. 

Strength 5      Toughness 7   Movement 3
Martial 7        Ranged 2        Defense 3
Discipline 2   Willpower  3  Command 3
Wounds X      Attacks 3        Size Huge

Of course Light Armor for 4pts- giving a total toughness of 8!
Need to get him a normal weapon as well.

Using a Level 3 Class (Archlord) 185pts
and taking the following traits from the Monsters of Myth and Legend section of the book using Hybrid Traits to combine traits.
1. Fey Hybrid 8pts
-Combing from the Sphere of Death: Skeletal 9pts + Aura of Death 28pts
2. Humanoid Hybrid 8pts
- combining Legendary Heroes 3pts + Heroic Nobility 3pts
3. Heavy War Monster 12pts (granting mount and trample)

Class Traits for Archlord Class
1. Hellish Monster 15pts- Grants Monster 3
2. Monstrous Advanced Hybrid 10pts
-Combing Death Knight 44pts using Adv Discipline + Broken Blades +4pts(Power)
3. Primordial Giant 45pts

The more advanced players here will notice I did not take the two optional Class Traits for an additional 10pts each. So there is even more room to create a monstrosity here and customize to your hearts content! Ya know a Smash attack with his weapon would be amazing!

There is only one small issue with all of this and that is the platform above would only support 3 archers. Not bad though.

This Skeletal Giant would be devastating as it could easily gain up to additional strength to it's Broken Blades Power granting Piercing 3 to slice through enemies with ease. 

The Skeletal Giant miniature is 9inches tall! He would have an Aura of Death (reducing morale and toughness of opponents that get too close), Rage to increase his offensive combat situation, and Fear to reduce the opponents combat situation in melee!

Imagine swapping out the archers for Necromancers! Holy Crap. The Necromancers could raise those he kills in combat as corpses to join your army!

The best part for this 1st Age creation is that you can do this now with The Birth of Genesys 1st Age book in hand.

Need to know more about the Genesys Project?

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