Sunday, July 5, 2020

What's On Your Table: Gargant Mob

It's a Great Time to share your work and submit to the What's On Your Table series. The queue is short again and submissions are only day or so out from being posted.

To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to

This is a first of a series of Corona projects I’ve done since March.

Assembling and painting up an entire Legio for Adeptus Titanicus/Epic last year I really wanted to create a Gargant mob as they seem kinda suitable to use similar weapon profiles and the like. Hence I took on the quest of buying bits and pieces and old OOP models from shops and around the web. The army was completely built and magnetised by the middle of 2019. The models are all equivalent height/dimensions of the official models so theoretically tournament ready. Due to a lack of free time I did not manage to get anything painted though. 

Since March though I figured painting an army a month would be an enjoyable way to spent some quality isolation time. Hence the highly desaturates colour scheme of my interpretation of some Death Skullz Gargants. Enjoy.

Some of my old projects till 2017 can be found on also if anyone wants some more input on parts, feel free to contact me via my blog
