For anyone on the fence or just getting introduced to the project there is a lot of new information highlighting the rules and creation of your faction in the many updates we have been doing on the Kickstarter.

The Genesys Project Kickstarter

It's a Great Time to check back to see what we have revealed and for what is coming in the near future for this game.

Coming Down To The Wire!
We're coming toward the end of this Kickstarter campaign, and we're very appreciative of all the support, comments, and questions we've had so far. We've tried to give you some great insight into not only the gameplay, but also the unique Faction Creation System at the core of The Genesys Project. You, our backers, are aware of all of these updates, but those who will be returning to look at the campaign over the next few days might not. Please let your gaming group know that there is plenty to catch up on!

An Add-On
During our first 48 hours we said that everyone who pledged would receive the Primitive Age PDF absolutely free. That tuned out to be 120 backers, on the dot. So, if your backer number for this project is 120 or less, you'll receive the Primitive Age PDF gratis. If your number is 121 or higher, you can now add it to your pledge for just $5. This PDF will be available alongside everything else. 

Stretch Goals
We've made a slight adjustment to our announced stretch goals, reducing the target numbers, and we've decided to keep the campaign going through the BackerKit pledge manager/pre-order store process. We'll announce a few more goals before the KS campaign ends, and those will still apply to the support we receive through BackerKit (we are very keen to make the books the best we possibly can).

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