Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Beyond the Games of Antares- Newsletter

++Welcome to IMTel*++
(*integrated machine intelligence)
By integrating yourself with the machine you will be the first to find out everything there is to know about Beyond the Gates of Antares by Rick Priestley.

This week - more fantastic Antares Fiction from the mind of Tim Bancroft - and a quick update from the Warlord design studio!

The Antares Facebook group is a hive of activity - why not take a look, and join in the conversation?View newsletter in your browser


The Antarean universe is an expansive and fertile breeding ground for the collective imaginations of the community.

Whether writing a backstory for your army, or thinking more widely - we've seen some fantastic material appearing on Facebook groups, blogs, and across the further reaches. All of which has fed into the IMTel and shaped the datafeeds as they spread out into the Spill, and beyond...

Click here to take a look!

Read the article by clicking here...

This week, we also had an update from Paul Sawyer of the design studio, giving an insight into what might be heading our way...

"Andres has painted the Algoryn Intruder Skimmers, Ghar Tectorists, several Isorian phase troopers, Isorian targeter probe shard, Boromite Matriarch and is currently working on the  Algoryn Mag Mortar.

Wojtek is at work on a couple of characters for the forthcoming supplement - one for Isorians and one for Boromites. He's almost finished the Boromite engineers and auto-workshop.

Steve is making a couple of tweaks to the Freeborn special character for the supplement but is otherwise hard at it on US Airborne 3-ups...

Russ is skiiing in France. Yeah, we thought so too...

Me? I'm to be found sat waiting for the postman - the 3D prints of the plastic C3M4 combat drone are due with us any day and is the last stage before the tools are cut..."


If you're new to Beyond the Gates of Antares, and you're interested in collecting an Algoryn force, look no further than the Algoryn Combat Force deal.

We've specifically designed it to offer a solid core force from which you can expand - we've suggested an 8/9 Order Dice Army List around the 1,000pt mark which can be built - however, you can of course play around with additional equipment and Army Options - or could even play around with fielding less squads, with more models... so there is plenty of scope for personalisation and list tweaking...

The Algoryn Combat Force contains:
1 x Algoryn AI Command
3 x Algoryn AI Squad
1 x Algoryn Assault Squad
1 x Algoryn Infiltrator Squad
1 x Algoryn X-Launcher
1 x Algoryn Mag Light Support
1 x Algoryn Targeter Probes

Order now