Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Be a Hero for a Day- Play Games for Charity Event

sent in via Nick from the Burning Eye

Hero for a Day- Charitable Event
I'm really pleased to be able to announce that Hero for a Day is now going live - the date has been booked with the venue as the 20th August 2016. I'm still waiting to confirm hire costs with the parish and working on finding food suppliers, so the cost of attending is yet to be set, but you can now book the date in your diary!

This event is intended to raise money for charity - the Childrens Cancer and Leukaemia Group, and as such I've set up a fundraising page, which can be found here (http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/heroforaday).

I was inspired to make the decision to run the event when George, the 2 1/2 year old son of some friends of ours and good friend of our own daughter who is the same age, was diagnosed with a Wilms tumour on his kidney. He's been through several weeks of chemotherapy, and has now had the kidney removed, but things would have been less promising were it not for the work of the CCLG in developing treatments.

The event will be for a maximum of 20 players, so make sure you keep an eye on the blog to get your place booked once tickets become available - if you want to pre-register your interest please contact me using the email address for the blog (theburningeyeblog@gmail.com) - don't worry if you can't say for definite at this stage, I won't hold you to attendance! Depending on demand I can't promise a place to everyone, but I'll do my best and if the event is a success I'll certainly consider expanding it next year.

The event is going to be fairly unique in terms of wargaming competitions, as it will not only be a team event (2 teams of 10 players each) but it will also follow a narrative across the day, as the teams fight for control of the planet of Hormung Prime. This will involve 8 games played using a variety of scenarios, including 'kill team' style games, doubles games and the highly anticipated (by me at any rate) handicap matches!

The attendees will be split into two teams based on the army they intend bringing to the event (so if you're looking to pre-register, please let me know what armies you want to bring, or would be willing to bring) with an imperial defence force comprising (hopefully) Guard, Space Marines, and Sisters of Battle, facing off against a combined arms invasion force of heretics and xenos races.

Each team will require a team captain, who will be responsible for ensuring the army lists are appropriate to the competitiveness level of the event (hint - cheesy beardy stuff should be left at home) and the captains will also have various roles to play during the day - from having a free reign to tip the odds by joining one of the handicap games, to potentially assigning stratagem cards to benefit their side in particular games (this is an idea in its infancy at present but could very well get included). If you're pre-registering therefore, please let me know if you'd be willing to act as a team captain.

In view of the charitable nature of the event, I'll be trying to keep the cost of attending down to a minimum, but there will be a raffle with prizes from various sources, along with the opportunity (hopefully) to purchase wristbands, pin badges etc to show your support for the charity.


Hero for a Day - the 24 hour charity gaming event is progressing, we're booked in for the 20th August 2016 (well, midnight on the 19th till midnight on the 20th) and I've today set up a new forum for those attending the event, or interested in doing so, so that I can get a real community spirit going beforehand. The idea is that everyone will at least know the names of the other people attending if not their faces, and will have had a chance to chat about armies, lists and tactics and choose doubles partners etc.

We've got a great prize pool going already, with Amera donating some vacuum formed terrain, the local game store chipping in with some prizes, along with some models being painted by some of the best in the business, and a hoodie with the MAD club logo.

Anyone that wants to know more can either check my blog http://theburningeye.blogspot.co.uk or email me at theburningeyeblog@gmil.com


forgot to mention - the new forum address for those wanting to attend (or just help me with feedback on the custom missions) is http://heroforaday.proboards.com