Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Leviathan

The Leviathan is one vehicle in the Resistance that is hard to come by right now. I had heard there were production issues with the Leviathan that has caused some delays in getting the model currently. In fact not to many people have them yet, and those that ordered multiples of them, have only gotten one of them so far.

Behind the scenes I was talking to one such reader, who was gracious enough to share some pics of his Leviathan WIP.

I host games every two weeks here at the home base of Faeit 212, and it has come up more than once when Dropzone games are underway, a discussion about just how big this model is. Before seeing the pictures, the only insight I had was that they were too big for a blister pack, and are instead getting their own box. Yea, that is big.

While I have not yet been able to get one, they look to be about as wide as a road is. That is huge. I was also told by the reader that sent in the pics, that the box they come in is the full standard size box that the Orbital Defense Laser is in. That is a big box for a model.

So while we all wait to see more of this huge hovercraft transport, take a look at some of the pics that were sent in.

A huge thanks to Posthuman Gamer for sending these images in. I really did not realize that the hovercraft had ramps on both front and back.