Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What's On Your Table: Dynamic Posed Imperial Knight

One episode of What's On Your Table for the night, and for that we have an customized Imperial Knight.

I noticed they very static look of the Imperial knight and wanted to change it..
As the Imperial knight is my centre piece in my pre heresy loyalist Emperor Children I decided to do my best.
So far I have finished the base with my Knight crushing a Son of horus Contemptor and a couple casualties around to spice it up.
The change of pose wasnt something too difficult just had to chop up the legs completely and reglue them accordingly.
I plan for the top of the knight to make a small church/chapel but that is still in the Alpha stage :)

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to natfka@live.com. If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.