Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rules Check: Taking on Fortifications and Their Massive Guns

Being a player that is more often than not inclined to use an Aegis Defense Line, gun emplacements are something that I am well aware of. Also I am aware of how easy they are to be shot off the board. After all, two wounds with a toughness of 7 is not enough to keep them on the field for that long.

So what is an emplaced weapon and a gun emplacement? and is there a rules different between the two?

Emplaced Weapons are page 96 brb, and you must be inside to fire the weapons, and are defined as built in weapons.
Gun Emplacements are on 105 brb and its clear they can be shot off a building if they are there (like a bastion, page 9 of the FAQs)

The Fortress of Redemption has Emplaced Guns while the Aegis Defense Lines and even the Imperial Bastion, have Gun Emplacements. I have always taken that to mean that emplaced guns are part of the fortification and the fortification must be destroyed to get the gun, while Gun Emplacements can be shot off of things and destroyed.

Is that your take as well?