In fact we are all expecting to see something very soon from GW, possibly like we did with Dark Eldar at Games Day UK. Since Games Day UK is coming up very soon, I will be paying very close attention to any releases of information and model sightings that come out of there.
Today's little bit of info again comes from Bigred. He seems the only person out there releasing bits of information at this time. Everyone else has gone quite. Quite literally, the Necrons are awakening with an eerie silence, and those watchful for such things, have vanished.
These are rumors, so please take with salt.
via Big Red
Pariahs have been replaced by Crypt Guardians which are said to be a retinue option for the HQ ICs (like the Dark eldar Archons get). They are armed with a Warscythe and an Invulnerable Save granting shield.