Friday, September 30, 2011

6th Edition Rumors from Left Field

Last night was when I heard about these rumors of 6th edition. As far as rumors go, these ones really come out of left field, but since they are rumors nonetheless, I decided to post em up. So without any real intro, here they are.

Answers to Our Complaints and Questions. Finally.

Space Marines getting a new Gunship? They are Sorry for Finecast problems?

This is really what most of us have been looking for. A serious set of answers to the hard questions that we have been wanting to hear. Will other chapters get the Storm Raven? Hard back Codex's coming to 40k?, What is really up with Finecast?, and more.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Entertaining Video: 40k Backstory in About a Minute

This is pretty entertaining and worth a good laugh. Video by Lore.

Rules of Our Game: Repeating Mishaps with Warp Quake

A group of Grey Knights has several Strike Squads on the board, the opponent while trying to get close to them scatters within range of the warp quake. Immediately the deepstriking unit mishaps, however a 3 is rolled. The Grey Knight player now chooses to place the misshaping unit alongside another of his Strike Squads that have Warp Quake in effect. Is there another mishap?

A weekly post regarding the Rules of Our Game is something I am still testing out to see whether or not I should keep doing this. I run across tons of rules questions each week, and I think almost every person in our hobby should keep an eye out for things like these. It helps us when we finally come across such problems or weak spots in the rules of the game.

So if this series does OK, with decent positive feedback, you can expect to see it stay as a weekly post. Last week was the first post in this series, and it went exceptionally well.

Adeptus Mechanicus and Tyranids at Games Day

While I have a couple more posts that were ready to go besides this one that cover Games Day UK, I am burnt out on it, so I joined the last two of my favorite ones together. Ones that mention Adeptus Mechanicus and a Tyranid gap filler release.

For years we have wanted an Adeptus Mechanicus release, and I think it would be a very popular army. Especially amongst the collectors of 40k models. Almost everyone I have talked to in the so many years of the hobby, would have some interest in the adeptus mechanicus. So will we see one? It sure does not seem like it, here were the comments at Games Day UK.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Games Day Talk + Sisters of Battle and Necrons

The rumor mill declared that the Sisters of Battle White Dwarf codex was simply a fill in to get them playable, and not to replace a full codex release. Games Day talk pretty much confirmed this.

There was an eerie silence about Necrons there. I know we all wanted to see Necrons there, but now that the disappointment is over, it was just too quiet about Necrons. Of note there is a so-called Necron page floating around today, but once again, it is the same fake codex page we have seen here before, so there is no need to post it again.

Here is some Games Day Information as it came out. (BTW I just found this Sisters of Battle Pic, its pretty cool. New to me)

Empire Codex Release

It seems that Empire just might be the next codex for Warhammer Fantasy. The latest calls for their release within 6 months, placing them sometime around Febuary or March.

I know we were talking that Bretonnians would fill that entry slot for Fantasy, but it just shows us how much is not locked down and well known. I often feel like we get more solid rumors for 40k than we do fantasy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blood Bowl to Return for it's 25th Anniversary

This next year is the 25th anniversary of Blood Bowl. Does that mean we will see a new revision or release of the game? Perhaps we will, as this rumor says.

Pics of the Week. Amazing Games Day Pics

This week I have some pics from Games Day UK, that did not make my Sunday Pic list. There are some extremely nice models that were on display, so these are them. Take a look.

Pics of the Week happen every Tuesday where I share from my Warhammer pic library. I collect these all the time from all over, and sharing them is just fun.

Outcast Dead Video, and Pics from The Emperors Will

An exciting new book, The Outcast Dead from the Black Library is released this week, and like last week there is quite a few things this week from the Black Library. The Emperors Will is making my to read list and the Emperors Will is right behind it. These are two books I have been waiting for. I suppose that makes 3 since I am on the list to recieve Dan Abnett's Salvations Reach already as well.

Below is this weeks releases from the Black Library

Thunderwolves Being Worked on

Thunderwolves are a model I think we should of seen ages ago. It would of made the Space Wolf codex release shine to see these models released at the same time as the codex launch. Now that its been over a year or so, many people have given up on seeing Games Workshop produce such a model. Many people have created their own.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: New Addition from the Netherlands

With Games Day UK over and done with, its time to sit back and do some casual reading. I really enjoy the BlogExchange here because it gives me a chance to read other peoples thoughts outside the of the drama you typically find on many forums. Reading a persons blog is their personal journy through this hobby that we all share and enjoy. Todays addition is a new blog from a gamer in the Netherlands. Check it out.

So what is the Blog Exchange? It is basically an exchange of blogs on each others blog rolls. Its that simple. The search engine beneath the blog roll is also set so that readers may do a search on all the blogs on the exchange for whatever it is that they are intersted in.

Games Day Talk about GW's Secretive Marketing Strategy

The one thing we do not hear about much is exactly what and why Games Workshop has moved to such a secretive marketing strategy. Personally I have my opinions it simply to boost sales to what was becoming an irrelevant publication, White Dwarf. Not to mention there were a couple manager leaks that occurred, but that is what happens.

Games Day 2011 Dark Eldar Style.

Forgeworld has recently done a few new vehicles for the Dark Eldar. In the picture above you can see three prototypes for the latest Dark Eldar Vehicle from Forgeworld, The Tantalus. In other highlights, there was no new confirmations on the when we might see the Voidraven.

The biggest news though for Dark Eldar was in regards to IA12. Dark Eldar were removed from its content due to lack of space. So us Dark Eldar fans will be waiting for a bit, perhaps IA13.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Presence of Faeit: Games Day, Eldar Rumors, Rules of Our Game, and Grey Knight Models Done

This week was abuzz with so much anticipation for Games Day UK. Last year was such a hit, everyone was on the edge of their seat just waiting for a chance to see new pics of anything new being released. Also on the news front this week, we got our first rumor glimpse of what a new Eldar Codex could look like, and a Chaos Contemptor Dreadnaught is now in line.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnaught Hidden In Plain Sight

It seems the Chaos Contemptor Dreadnaught is sitting on one of these pages for the lastest Apocalypse 2nd Edition release. We have had this for a day or so and its sitting on the Forgeworld website, thanks to Jason here for pointing it out to me.

Check out the Pic above.

It may indeed be the Contemptor I have seen in the pics at Games Day UK, but the word I keep hearing is that the one at Games Day was a conversion, although at first glance they appear to be the same model.

Games Day UK (Lots of Pics)

I have been collecting pics of what is on show at Games Day UK. Quite a few photos, mostly from Forgeworld, so I collected them to post here. Check them out.

A couple of notes about this years Games Day

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Whispers of a New Eldar Codex

This is exciting. Really one of the first hints we have heard on when we might be seeing a new Eldar Codex, along with what might actually be in it.

It looks like we might be seeing this codex, as either the first or second codex of 6th edition. This means by next year this time, we will all be talking Eldar and nothing else. Craftworld Eldar are the one army, I have always wanted to do, but I have waited, as I want to really take my time and create a beautiful army.

Enough Talk, Lets get to the meat.

Games Day Video: Its here

Only a few hours away is one of the most coveted gatherings of our hobby, Games Day UK. While going to a Games Day elsewhere I am sure is quite the experience, since I have been following them, Game Day UK is the creme of the crop. Last year we had Dark Eldar models galor. What a beauty that was.

Can Games Day UK 2011 top last years? Will we see Necron models? We shall find out soon enough. I will be trying to get as current information as I can, and of course, any of you there that would like to send pics, here is where to send them.

The Words of Faeit: Razorbacks

Razorback spam is to be honest, a very decent way to go about building an army. It is a nominally strong list, to simply get as many razorbacks into the list as possible, throw in whatever 5 many unit you can with some meltas, and proceed to destroy your opponent. Why is this list so strong, and why then do I not every have problems defeating these types of lists?

The Words of Faeit is a weekly post, dedicated to my thoughts on the strategy and tactical side of the game. They are not to be written in stone as "No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength" (or "no plan survives contact with the enemy"). Quoted from Helmuth von Moltke.

Rules of Our Game: Heroic Sacrifice vs Clone Field

Too many times our beloved game gets bogged down by rules debates at the table. While I am a stickler for the rules, meaning I believe in playing by them, I also tend to let things pass (during friendly games), and then look them up later.

A weekly post regarding the Rules of Our Game is something I am testing out to see whether or not I should start doing this. I run across tons of rules questions each week, and I think almost every person in our hobby should keep an eye out for things like these. It helps us when we finally come across such problems or weak spots in the rules of the game. So if this series does OK, with decent feedback, you can expect to see it turn into a weekly post.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Imperial Armour Apocalypse: Second Edition

Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition will be for sale in limited numbers for Games Day UK. Also announced today is the Imperial Emplacement.

October White Dwarf: New Scrolls of Binding

There are 3 new (Storm of Magic) scrolls of binding in the latest edition of White Dwarf that are for the Thundertusk, Stonehorn and Mournfang. They have extra options that are not in the army book. Here is a quick rundown of what they are.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Inquisitorial Henchmen: Pskyer Detachment

There has been a lot of talk about the most efficient or strongest use of Inquisitorial Henchmen for all the Coteaz lists out there. I have been playing with different variants of this, and have found what I like about them, not necessarily is it the best or cheapest way to get more armour on the field.

I have been Down

I think yesterday was the first day in a long time the blog did not have an update ready to go. It was not from lack of material, I have been sick for the last couple days.

Normally when I do not have a chance to update the blog, I just set up a set of posts scheduled out for release. I did not have anything ready for that, so there was no updates yesterday. I apologize for those that know when I generally post up, and come to check. Thanks for well wishers in advance.

New MK1 Deimos Rhino and Relic Contemptor (Updated)

The ubiquitous Rhino Armoured Personnel Carrier is a mainstay of the Space Marine Chapters, and has been in continuous use for ten thousand years. Its true origins are more distant still, and ancient records mention the RH1-N-0 Tracked Exploration and Multi-Purpose Defence Vehicle STC accompanying explorator missions during Mankind’s Golden Age. Re-armed and re-purposed for military use, the Rhino has remained a mainstay of the Imperium’s might over the millennia since

It seems that Forgeworld has gone retro. With the release of the old school Land Raider on its way, and now this. A kit to upgrade your rhino to a MK1 Deimos variant. Basically looking much like the ones I remember back in 3rd edition. I like this kit a lot. For all you Grey Knight players, Deimos is the Grey Knights Forgeworld. Want some relics? here ya go.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Updated. Many Necron Models Removed From GW Site

It seems that many of the Necron models have been removed from the GW website. Warriors, Wraiths, Destroyers, and Pariahs are no longer there. (Updated), Monolith, Necron Lord with Orb, and C'tan are also gone now. Thanks Erik. Great anticipation now as we await further news on the necron front. I fully expect to see new models being showcased at Games Day UK. Only 5 days away!

Pics of the Week

This week I am cleaning out my pic files, so its vital that before I do this, that I post up some of the pics before heading back deep into the archives. However, that doesnt mean we are dealing with leftovers, these are just pics I have not had the chance to use yet.

Pics of the Week happen every Tuesday where I share from my Warhammer pic library. I collect these all the time from all over, and sharing them is just fun.

The Perfect Defense

A while back I was in a game with an old friend of mine, and I was playing a very strong hitting Imperial Guard list. In the past I had pummeled him pretty badly with this list, but he did something that caught me off guard. His set up and defence against my shooting was nearly perfect.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: New Blog Spotlight

Every Monday I do a post for the Faeit 212 BlogExchange. It gives readers a chance to explore new blogs and new ideas. This week is no different. There is one new blog to spotlight. New ideas and thoughts bring about inspiration, so when you get a moment check out the blog below.

So what is it? It is basically an exchange of blogs on each others blog rolls. Its that simple. The search engine beneath the blog roll is also set so that readers may do a search on all the blogs on the exchange for whatever it is that they are intersted in.

Warhammer Fantasy Release Schedule 2012

For Warhammer Fantasy there seems to be a lot less solid information for what is on the horizon. I spent some time digging for these rumors, and they are pretty scattered, with a lot of wish listing. However, here is what I could dig up for you on what the rumor mill is saying.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Presence of Faeit: Grey Knight Models, Dreadfleet, and Rumors of Imperial Reinforcements

This week was dominated by the release of Dreadfleet. It really is an amazing looking game, and one of those games that everyone seems to have a negative opinion about. Well, not everyone, but it seems that far too many people are ticked off that the game is fantasy related, or not bloodbowl. To be honest, that disappoints me a little bit with the drama our community loves to display in this anonymous world we call the Internet.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

The Words of Faeit: Enjoying Psycannons

Psycannons are weapons utilized by the Ordo Malleus and Grey Knights. They are based on the bolt pistol, firing bolts heavily impregnated with negative psychic energy. The bolt is devastating to the psyches and physical bodies of psychic creatures, such as psykers, daemons, and the daemon-possessed. As if the negative psychic energy was not enough, each psycannon bolt is also silver-tipped and inscribed with anti-daemonic symbols.

The Psycannon can also be used in conjunction with a device called a Mind Impulse Unit. The Psycannon is linked to the mind of the user and is fired by mental intent. This has the advantages of allowing the user to fire the weapon while keeping both hands free, and allowing the user a greater intimacy with his weapons internal workings, such as ammunition count or barrel temperature. In addition, if the user is a psyker, they can infuse their own power with that of the weapon, adding to its already devastating effect.

The Words of Faeit is a weekly post, dedicated to my thoughts on the strategy and tactical side of the game. They are not to be written in stone as "No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength" (or "no plan survives contact with the enemy"). Quoted from Helmuth von Moltke.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grey Knights WIP

I have been working pretty hard on my purifiers this week. I have 40 of them, and I decided (which was not a real good idea), to do all 40 purifiers at once.

I do not like the super shiney silver that I see on most of the models, so I tried something else. I primered the models black first, and then painted with boltgun metal for a darker metal appearance.

Scratch Built Titan - Black Knights

Sometimes I get some pretty interesting things in my inbox. Today I thought I would share one of these, a Grey Knight Titan. Well, lets call it a Black Knight Titan. I congratulate anyone that spends the time and effort to build a titan, and this ones pretty cool.

Three New Releases From the Black Library

I am playing catch up with this one. With 3 new releases coming from the Black Library, I fell behind this week suddenly with posts and blog work. One day, about Tuesday I was all caught up, and the next thing I know I am behind with information on rumors, pictures of some cool models sent to me, my own painting, and more.

Today's info is about two new ebooks being released from the Black Library, which will hit paperback a few months down the road. The other is another Word Bearer Omnibus that was announced to be released in January 2012. Ebooks are great things to listen to while putting together your models.

Of Special Note, the Black Library also is including FREE SHIPPING through October 18th.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dreadfleet is Here. Pics and Information (video included)

The long awaited mysterious special release is now up. Dreadfleet is here and the game looks beautiful. It comes with its own 5' x 3.5' gamemat. Everything you need is in the box set, and it is available Now for pre-order. Also up for pre-order is a Dreadfleet Novella by Phil Kelly.

Dreadfleet Box Set $115.00
Dreadfleet Novella $7.99

Two New Models Available at Games Day UK

Two new models are going to be available at Games Day UK this year from Forgeworld. They are the extremely sexy Dark Eldar Tantalus and a retro return of the of old school Land Raider. The Land Raider one is a great idea, and am glad to see it returning.

Now I am going to start expecting people to take the new Forgeworld retro land raider and convert it into either a Crusader or a Redeemer Variant.

Ard Boyz Mission Updates

If you are playing in the semi-finals, they are tomorrow. You will need to grab a hold of the new missions print outs, as once again they have been changed. This is nothing new, I remember 3 or 4 changes in last years as well. The date listed for these changes was on September 6th, but I think they were just changed and the date not updated.

Thanks to BDS (from Blog BDS 40k) for catching this change this morning and bringing it to our attention. He does a good breakdown of the changes on his site. Here is a link so everyone can read the final release of this mission.

Ard Boyz Missions

Hydra and Plastic Storm Trooper/ Veteran Release (Updated)

Today we have  an intriguing new rumor. Word has it that IG is getting a new mini release soon, that will include the all powerful Hydra Flak Tank and Plastic Storm Troopers. I think its hilarious that just last night, I mentioned in the comments yesterday that I had heard nothing of plastic storm troopers, and well, in the same breath almost here they are.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

2012 Release Schedule as it sits

I get asked this quite a bit, so I thought I would post up what I think is the most likely candidates for our 2012 release schedule. I think 2012 will be an exciting year for 40k, assuming the world does not end (Mayan calendar ends next year). I think we will see the all powerful and awaited Chaos Legions. Tau and their allies will make an appearance, and 6th edition will alter our perceptions.

Never Ever Assume

So here it was, a late night scheduled game at a buddies house was to be my first game playing my Grey Knights. I ran a Coteaz list, with lots of fun things. Venerable Dreadnaughts with assault cannons, Psy-riflemen, Purifiers, and Psyker squads in Chimeras. With all this, I learned one very important thing before the game even began. I will never make that mistake again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Black Library Responds to its Customer Base.

The Black Library today listened to what its customers were saying about its recent disaster of releasing Aurelian. They are putting up a new date for the release of the limited edition book, but are releasing additional copies, and the big deal for most of us, are releasing non-signed non color artwork versions of the book at a reduced price. Below is the official announcement.

Forgeworld Newsflash; Exclusive Pre-Release Products Available at Games Day UK

There will be a set exclusive pre-released models sold in limited quantities from Forgeworld for those of you able to attend Gamesday UK on the 25th. The first is really just another mounted warrior, but the second is something a little more special (at least in my eyes). Take a look.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pics of the Week

This week I am posting one of the pics I have been holding onto for quite some time. So I am a little excited about. Yes its the one posted above, and is one of my favorites. Overall most catachan artwork have been rather poor in my opinion, just getting the old 80's Rambo treatment. I really like this one.

Pics of the Week happen every Tuesday where I share from my Warhammer pic library. I collect these all the time from all over, and sharing them is just fun.

Old Obliterators for Jokaero?

I have been debating on this for about a week now. I have some of the old style Obliterators on a small base, and personally I like them as is much better than the mad monkey models the Jokaero Weaponsmith currently has. So my intention is to use these old school obliterators for Jokaero in my new Grey Knights armies.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Aurelian - off sale

Too much traffic, the servers have been shut down for the limited release sale of Aurelian. The sale of the book was supposed to start today, however technical difficulties have led to people not being able to get the book. Here is the official announcement from the Black Library from their website.

Aurelian - off sale
by Black Library on Monday, 12 September 2011 at 23:40

Hi all. We hoped that the server situation would improve. Obviously it hasn't. We are now going to take Aurelian off sale until we can fix the issue with our servers. We will provide more infromation tomorrow but the book will be off sale for at least 72 hours. We will ensure that when it returns to sale, the book can be bought quickly and easily with no technical problems. We really appreicate your patience over the last six hours, and will find a way to make it up to you.Those of you who have managed to pay for a copy will likley not have received a confirmation email. Don't worry, we will email you tomorrow. Thanks again for sticking with us

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Weekly Additions

Every Monday I do a post on the Faeit 212 BlogExchange. When there are blogs just added to the exchange, I showcase them off to start the week. Well, this week there is one addition to check out. So if you missed out and would like to join the blog exchange, place it in the comments or email me at I keep bringing up the BlogExchange, because it is a great way to see new blogs, get your blog noticed, or just find some good reading about the hobby we all love.

So what is it? It is basically an exchange of blogs on each others blog rolls. Its that simple. The search engine beneath the blog roll is also set so that readers may do a search on all the blogs on the exchange for whatever it is that they are intersted in.

Getting Personal with the Stormraven Gunship

The Stormraven is one of those models that people love to hate. There are tons of detractors, and very few people openly admit to liking them. Well, this weekend I got down and personal with them, and finally built one, and started working them into lists. In order to build it with all the gun options, I had to figure out exactly how I wanted to field it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Presence of Faeit: Grey Knights ready to go, Blog Changes Coming, I have how many points?

There were new releases that came out yesterday, but overall the warhammer world is on hold, kind of frozen in space. Everything is waiting for September 25th, Games Day UK. So today it is mostly about what I have been working on, some coming blog changes, and a shout out to a local store for customer service.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

September 11th

There are not many days in a life that every single person you know, can all remember the same event, can relate to it, and remember what you were doing on that particular moment. While I was growing up, people always talked about what they were doing when President Kennedy was Assassinated, or the day Elvis died. For my generation it was the day when I was in High School and shuttle Challenger exploded.

Even though all the previous events were dramatic, they are lost to many of us and overshadowed by the events that transpired on 9/11. That day will live on forever in our minds as the world changed forever for us. The twin towers were destroyed, and the Pentagon hit and many civilian lives were lost.

These were everyday people, just going to work, and the images of the towers collapsing, and of people leaping out of the buildings to their deaths, are images I will carry with me the rest of my life.

No words can do justice towards the emotions of that day, or the events that have followed since then. The sleeping tiger had been awoken. Today is a day of reflection, of honoring those that rose to the occasion on that horrendous day, and prayers for our troops that have died or are continuing to serve their country.

GW Stores are handing these out for the "Mystery Release"

We all know a new mystery release is coming very soon with the rumored name, Dread Fleet. The release date is September 17th. Today I have pics of what GW store employees are handing out. They are little cards advertising the new Dread Fleet release. So if you do not have a local store near you, above is the front, and below is the back. Or perhaps I have it reversed.

Here is a link to what we expect from Dread Fleet.