Friday, September 16, 2011

Hydra and Plastic Storm Trooper/ Veteran Release (Updated)

Today we have  an intriguing new rumor. Word has it that IG is getting a new mini release soon, that will include the all powerful Hydra Flak Tank and Plastic Storm Troopers. I think its hilarious that just last night, I mentioned in the comments yesterday that I had heard nothing of plastic storm troopers, and well, in the same breath almost here they are.

The rumor is the long awaited return of information via Stickmonkey who has been very silent over the last 3 months. Nice to hear he is still around and OK.

Please remember that these are rumors, and to take all rumors with a grain of salt.

via Stickmonkey
I'm hearing that there is a IG mini release being planned soon, I expect it to be Q1 2012 and be in a mixed release month.
Items I hear are the long rumored stormtrooper plastics. Plastic hydra, and possibly another chimera based kit.
Still a ways off, but ive had multiple sources mention it recently.

Just to add some fuel, I'm sure everyone knows forgeworld no longer sells the hydra upgrade, only the full kit, as it is based on the old chimera models...doesn't mean anything really, I suppose...

Via BramGaunt
Afaik it's actually 3 kits, stormtrooper/veteran soldiers, hydra, Griffon (with colossus and medusa options), plus some finecast updates. Hydra is supposed to look a little different from the FW one