Thursday, September 16, 2010

Top 5 Posts. As My First 6 Months Blogging Come To a Close

5 Most popular posts.

1. Veteran Guardsmen 9/11/2010
2. Psyker Battle Squads 9/15/2010
5. Chaos - Night Lords 7/18/2010

Six Months have gone by, since starting the blog. Looking back I cant tell you a whole lot about blogging yet, because well, it feels like I just got started. In truth 6 months is really nothing compared to the  rest of the  Internet, however going from no hits, to a some is a pretty good start.

Since I love talking 40k, and do so when ever I get the chance, a blog seemed like a good idea. It may have taken me 3 months to figure out how to add a stat counter and other various things you see on the site, but everything seems to be coming along. As far as subjects go on the site, I mostly just talk about what ever comes up locally after a game or two.

For the direction of the blog in the next 6 months, it seems more of the same is on the horizon. Whats the most popular so far? Well, it appears that Imperial Guard units and their tactics seem draw alot of attention, as does any talk of Night Lords, or now the upcoming new craze, Dark Eldar. All of these are things I am very interested in, so they are probably what you will be seeing more of in the near future. I would like to do a little more fiction writing as well, and do a couple more pages of tournament missions.

I'm always open to suggestions, and have been spending time reading other blogs. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, nor take credit for inventing it in the first place. (my ego is not that big and there are plenty of other sites out there for that kind of drama if you want it). Seriously though, if there is something you are interested in, by all means drop me an email, or just a comment.