Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Know your Opposition pt.1 Deepstrikers

What most people do... Make an army they like, and then fail when they run across an army type they did not expect or know. Some of the obvious examples are when you play armies like necrons. While you cant plan for everything, having a break down on what you will do against different army types is very important for your army composition and how you will deploy and play. In other words, it will effect your game in every imaginable way. So get a clue on what is out there.

Its important not only to know some of the basics of each codex army, but as well as types. Close range shooting, assault, drop pod's, alpha strike, horde, heavy armor, and mechanized.

Lets start. This is not inclusive, but just a start for you to start thinking about.
First off the army specifics you should think about.......

Drop Pods. Know how to deal with these. They come in fast, accurate, and can be very damaging. Expect meltas to come out of these. Ideas on handling... Bubble wrap to protect heavy or vulnerable targets with heavy short range or assault nearby so that you can wipe whatever comes out. Also, if you go first, don't forget to pop smoke against the first drop. Don't forget to blow up the drop pods. These can be annoying drop pod walls, can contest objectives etc. The main idea... Punish those that come out of the pods quickly and efficiently, and protect vulnerable areas during deployment. Your deployment means everything here. Minimize the first strike, and then wreck your opponent. If you can't do well against a first round drop, Choose to go second and hold everything in reserve. 50% of their reserves should be on the field before you appear. Divide and conquer at this point.

Deep strike armies...... Like decent of angels. However, some will be able to assault when they appear (vanguard). Set up is very similar to above.

Demons. Set up is very similar to above. Kill things as they appear. Don't get yourself isolated and too spread out. Rapid fire is your friend. One tactic I have seen work well against demons, is to deploy loose and forward covering a good amount of the table, but semi close with a planned tighter drop back location. What this does is make a demon player deploy farther out, allows you to shoot, and keeps them out of assault range for yet another round.

Tyranid deepstrikers. Be aware that mawlocs can hurt tightly formations, so give yourself some room. If they don't hurt you when they appear, you will devastate them in return. Spore pods, are nice, but because of lack of models I haven't run across them that much. Be aware they exist, and zoanthropes or Doom of Malanti might catch you unaware.

Regardless of army type though. Having an idea of what is out there, and how your army is going to deal with it, is what makes you a tough opponent. I will post more army types that I think about later.