Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ard Boyz Missions for casual games

First off, for the casual games that I play, I tend to use all the Ard Boyz missions that Ive saved up over time. I have this and last years, prelims and semi's. If you take these missions and mix them up really well, drop some dice, you end up with a pretty decent and diverse mission list. I tend to have lots of fun with these missions. I normally play 2000 or 2500, but even skirmish sized games of 1500 or 1750 can be used effectively.
The standard missions can only really be used so many times before boredom drops in. There is the mission book, which is a decent alternative, but I still prefer the Ard Boyz mission list I have been keeping. Granted that the prelims this year were some of the worst of it, but if you add in all 6 I have from last year, and the 6 total this year... It all balances out to some very interesting lists.

If you are local, I may put together my mission packet for you if you ask. Two stores that I frequent will be getting copies if they are interested. Not to mention that I carry full print outs of these when I show up.