Sunday, February 12, 2023

What's On Your Table: Converted Leman Russ Vanquisher and Deathstrike Missile Launcher

What's On Your Table: To submit your work please send up to 8 pics to

Here are some images of two convwersions I recently finished.  They're not fully painted yet, but it may be some time before that gets done.  The Deathsrike was converted using the Necromunda Ridgehauler and the Deathstrike kit.  Only the missile, the platform it mounts on, and one piece of the Chimera chasis was used (the blast shield at the rear of the launcher).  The rest came from the Ridgehauler and I feel it's a conversion could do if they were interested.  

The Leman Russ Vanquisher was made with a Leman Russ kit and a Chimera kit.  I did add a heavy stubber,  four ammo boxes, and a hatch left over from the Ridgehauler, but you don't need to.  This required some cutting and removal of raised areas on the inside of the Chimera sides, but otherwise is also a conversion I feel could be done by anyone interested.  Hopefully, someone will find inspiration in these conversions.

Thanks for your time.
