Friday, February 3, 2023

Rumors: 2023 A Year of Boxsets + 10th Edition 40k!

Got another rumor set that includes mention of 10th Edition Warhammer 40k

via a solid source on Faeit 212 

2023 will be something like "the Year of Box Sets" for Games Workshop.
New Two Player Sets for Necromunda, Blood Bowl and something I'm not sure if it's EPIC or Adeptus Titanicus (at the End of the Year).
There will be also another two Player Set for AoS.
With the 10th Edition of 40k, GW plan something new; There will not only just a two Player Launch Box with Space Marines and Tyranids and their known "3-lvl Set Concept" following after but also new 1 Player Starters which seems to be like those Patrol Sets but with Dices, a Rulebook ect. which will follow after the release. I guess they will be something like "cheap" copies of Conquest "Taster Sets" with a minimum of Miniatures to play a legal army.
Not to forget the next season for Kill Team.
They will also test a new concept of limited miniature releases, you only can buy via your local stores and not via the GW Webshop. Those Miniatures will be similary to single Characters / HQ-choices or those Monthly shop miniatures you get with coins.