Friday, January 27, 2023

Arks of Omen Reveals- Wrath of the Soul Forge King

Arks of Omen have some reveals, here are a look at the images. Good looking Boxset.

Vashtorr draws hordes of mortal worshippers with him to breach the fortress and its wards, alongside writhing Daemon Engines empowered by the Soul Forge that serves as the seat of his power. In the box you’ll get Vashtorr, 10 Cultists, two Obliterators, and a Venomcrawler.

Not one to let his Chapter’s secrets go lightly, Azrael has mustered the Dark Angels and rallied the defence. The set comes with Azrael himself as well as five Deathwing Terminators and 10 Space Marine Intercessors, plus two Dark Angels Primaris Upgrade sprues.