Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Horus Heresy Rumors: Expansion Sets, New Dreadnought and Much More.

Wow, this is a very solid look into the Horus Heresy for the near to distant future. There is a lot here, including yearly box sets, new plastic Preatorii sets, a new Dreadnaught variant, Mk2 and Mk5 Tacticals, and expansion sets planned. 

via a very solid source here on Faeit 212

new Horus Heresy Stuff is on the Way.
Mk6 Assault Marines with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword options - 5 man sprue will accomplished by the expansion sprue from the Tactical Squad Set.
Mk5/6 Expansion Set with close combat weapons - two identical sprues with two variants of each close combat weapon
Mk5/6 Expansion Set for Breacher Squads
Mk5/6 Expansion Set for Destroyer Squads - can be combined with tactical or assault squad sprue for Breacher with or without Jump packs
Deimos Pattern Vindicator - Standard and Laser Destroyer variants get accomplished with a new Tank Destroyer Variant (weapon looks like a new Melter variant)
Expansion Sets for two Sicaran Assaul Tank / Tank Destroyer Variants
New Dreadnough Variant is wip - Maybe Furibundus Variant - "from the same time period as the Mk2 were introduced" (earliest pattern of "mass produced" Dreadnoughts?)
Mk2 and Mk5 Tactical Squad are both wip - there will be also a seperate Mk2 Expansion Set for Close Combat Weapons
Both Sets are planned for army sets as "Launch" releases in the future.
Two new plastic Preatorii are planned - each with Mk2 and Mk5 armour
As said earlier - there will be a yearly Army Box set with new stuff
First of such sets will replace the AoD Box next year