Tuesday, August 2, 2022

40k Rumors- Reactions and the Future of Space Marines

Following additional 40k rumors for a new edition we have some great intel on what we will be seeing. Reactions similar to the Horus Heresy is huge. Not quite what we need with alternative reactions but a step forward. The rest tells us just what happens to Space Marines. 

via solid sources here on Faeit 212

Warhammer 40k gets a hard reset at Summer next Year.

10th Edition will start with Index-like Codex Books.

GW will more streamline the ruleset and make it even easier. Unit Profiles will get simplified and the Armies will focused more on Themed Armies. Stratagems will play a bigger role in List build.

There will be no alternated unit activation but reaction from the HH ruleset comes over to 40k.

Space Marines will get split. "First Born" Marines will be not removed from 40k; thy remain as a sub faction for all Chapters. They will resupplied with HH Sets. We can await Marines in Mk5 and Mk7 Power Armour also for the M41. There will be seperate Codices for Primaris and Old Marines in the future.