Monday, July 25, 2022

New Rules/ Rebalancing for Warcry Revealed for the new Edition

The new edition of Warcy, the Heart of Ghur is coming next weekend to preorders and with it a whole new set of updates for the game. 

via WarCom

A Reaction lets your fighters interrupt an opponent’s turn by spending one of their actions early. This makes games incredibly fast-paced and keeps players focused on the action. Here’s John, one of Warcry’s designers, on the new mechanic.

New campaign rules allow you to set up encampments and send out warriors to explore the Gnarlwood. Encampments give your warbands unique benefits, but the hostile nature of the Gnarlwood means that you’ll have to build a new one before long. Quests now take fewer battles to complete, while Campaign Arcs are an optional element you and your friends can add to your campaigns to tie several battles together (often, but not always, between three and five) with a single story.

These updated profiles can be found in the Warcry Compendium, which will be available to pre-order shortly after the Heart of Ghur box is released. It includes rules for more than 40 warbands and over 800 fighter profiles. Here’s David, the lead designer on the new tome.