Friday, July 15, 2022

Cutting the Ropes- New Terrain Interaction in WarCry

Within the new upcoming boxset; Heart of Ghur you will have some new interactions with terrain that look interesting.... like Cutting the Ropes! for that rope bridge. 

A further look into the terrain of the Heart of Ghur.

via WarCom

To connect those vantage points, there are a number of rope bridges contained in the box – but be careful when crossing as enemies can cut them down, leaving your fighters to fall to their doom.

Some of the scenery contains Seraphon ruins – the reason that so many warbands have been attracted to the Gnarlwood. The Eye of Chotec was a Seraphon void ship that crashed into the cursed forest, drawing fighters from across the Mortal Realms who seek the central mass of the hull to claim the powerful mystical artefacts contained within.

Be careful when climbing the ribcage barricades – these may wound your fighters when they jump over them but sometimes, in the Gnarlwood, the risk is worth the potential reward.

The Heart of Ghur boxed set sows the seeds of your own personal Gnarlwood. It’s also great for adding to an existing Warhammer Age of Sigmar scenery collection, especially if your army is based in the Realm of Beasts, likes collecting/eating bones, or enjoys fighting near ruined temple cities.

And there’ll be even more amazing terrain to come – and much else besides. During the first year of the new edition, there will be a new box every three months, each including new scenery and a unique pair of warbands, so you can grow your collection of deadly trees, platforms, and more. Before long you’ll soon have enough terrain for an entire Warhammer Age of Sigmar board set in the Gnarlwood!