Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Leagues of Votann- Rules/Stats

Our first look at rules for the Leagues of Votann with Hearthkyn Warriors and their leaders. Just how tough will they be? How many wounds, lets find out. 

via WarCom

Long millennia spent isolated from the worst of the galaxy’s conflicts have done nothing to soften the Leagues of Votann. Thanks to their naturally hardy constitutions and their terrifyingly technologically advanced Ancestor Cores, even their basic soldiers – known as Hearthkyn Warriors – can rumble with the best that the 41st Millennium has to offer.

Could this be due to a rigorous martial tradition, or a bit of technological assistance from the Votann? The answer is likely somewhere in between.

Combined with solid void-hardened armour and their knack for sticking around in close combat, these guys march in squads of up to 20 with high-tech guns blazing before charging in to mop up survivors.

The Theyns, their leaders, are even tougher: