Saturday, July 3, 2021

What's On Your Table: 4 Projects


Submit to What's On Your Table by sending in up to 8 images of what you are working on in our wargaming miniature hobby. Send them to

I’ve been following your site for what feels like eons but never really posted replies to articles.
Your summer give away’s has perked a little interest so here’s 8 pictures as requested
The first 4 are couple projects i completed when i got home from sea (i am a sailor with the canadian navy). 

First some work on bases for flyers.  And then a Bone Reapers force.

Another batch of 12 Hormagaunts for my son’s army, along with refreshing the carapace paint on some of their bodies, and adding a stripe for markings.

A batch of Cadian Kasrkin’s. I love the old metal scuplts.

And for the continued variety some Necrons and Admech that i am working on as well.

