Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Orks Coming This Month- Hints for what is Ahead


It looks like our preview is going to be a little on the Ork'ish side of things. A preview this morning and an excerpt at the very end giving us a heads up that Orks are definitely coming this month- Always a good thing.

This weekend's preview is from the Octarius Sector with War Zone and Mission book preorders coming this weekend. 

Info via WarCom this morning

Starting at the end!

You’ll get your first taste of the oncoming Waaagh! with the Beast Snaggas Army Box, including early access to the full Codex: Orks, arriving for pre-order this month. Join us on Saturday for our next Warhammer Preview Online, which is taking on a decidedly Orky flavour as we find out what’s been brewing in the Octarius sector.

A look at squigs! Got to be an Ork favorite