Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Ork new Ranged Weapon Profiles- New Codex


Ork weapons are about to get a lot more shooty! A dual attack value for each weapon is now listed giving them a lot more shots at close range!

via WarCom
The Orks’ long-awaited new codex will be with us very soon, and you can get your hands on it early – and with exclusive cover art – as part of the Beast Snagga Army Set that’s up for pre-order in just a few days.

That’s right. Dakka is no longer an ability, it’s an entirely new weapon type! And that weapon type has two separate attack values, giving you many more shots when firing at up to half your maximum range.

Dakka weapons generate solid damage output overall, but particularly reward Orks that gamble and get in real close before pulling the trigger – even Orks with guns want to get as close to a good scrap as they possibly can. Dakka gets even scarier when you look at really big guns.

The all-new Codex: Orks will be available at first in the Beast Snagga Orks Army Set, coming with exclusive cover artwork – and 26 brand new Ork miniatures! It’ll then become available on its own a little later this year.