Thursday, July 15, 2021

Lasguns get New Stats for Kill Team

Another Kill Team reveal today with a look at Lasguns, Flamers, and the Long Las. They have unlimited range in your Kill Team games!

via WarCom

At a glance, you may be wondering where the lasgun’s range is marked. Due to the close-quarters nature of the Kill Team battlefield, weapons have unlimited range unless otherwise noted.

Confident that their las bolt or plasma blast won’t run out of steam before crossing the length of a single warehouse, shooters now have time to consider their angle of attack carefully. Likewise, those on the receiving end are no longer safe at the back of the field and need to take full advantage of the terrain to maintain their safety.

At their heart, all ranged weapons share a few key characteristics. The Attacks stat shows how many shots an operative can take with that weapon. Rolls that equal or exceed their Ballistic Skill are marked as hits, and rolls of 6 are counted as critical hits. 

The target must then roll the number of dice equal to their Defence stat – any results that equal or exceed their Save characteristic are marked as a save, with 6s counting as critical saves.

Once all dice have been rolled, the attacker’s hit rolls and the target’s saves are compared. Crucially, critical hits can only be blocked by one critical save or two standard saves. Any hits that aren’t cancelled by a save apply their Damage to the target’s Wounds – the split number represents how much damage is inflicted on a normal hit and a critical hit, respectively.
Lastly, you want to take note of any Special Rules and Critical Hit Rules a weapon might have. These grant your ranged attacks a variety of handy buffs that could let you spread shots across multiple targets, change which direction cover is effective from, and more.

Special Rules are always in effect and are often defining factors in how the weapon functions. For example, the flamer has a restricted range, but, in return, its Torrent ability allows it to attack all models within ◯* of the initial target. None can escape the scorching flood of promethium at such close range.

Critical Hit Rules, as the name implies, are only applied to critical successes. The long-las’ MW3 (short for Mortal Wounds 3) rule, for instance, inflicts three automatic wounds for every critical hit rolled before the unfortunate target has any chance to prevent them. This rule reflects the devastating effect of a spectacular sniper shot that perfectly targets a gap in enemy armour.