Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Updated: Hope Will Lead to Disappointment- Death Krieg Incoming?

Update: Im pretty excited on this one...... Would be amazing if this is all true! Check out the above image!

While this most likley is not the case there have been hints of some new Imperial Guard incoming for some time and even a glimpse of a Death Korps soldier in a Warhammer +  preview. So could these guys be coming to 40k in plastic? It would be amazing and quite possibly too much to hope for.

Personally I think we would get a slow lead in, like a character or something small before we see a whole reimagined release of Death Korps. Perhaps some hints coming on Saturday?

via Instagram today

and oh the Warhammer + video promo showing Death Korps

Remember this Rumor from the end of 2020 here on Faeit 212?

2021: 10 plastic DKoK troopers, initially as part of a Kill Team 2nd Edition box set with plastic Ork Kommandos and Ork terrain.