Friday, July 9, 2021

Be’lakor in War Zone Charadon – Act II: The Book of Fire

Be’lakor is always a great persona to bring into a campaign set and so he is in the latest War Zone Charadon book coming tomorrow to preorder. Here is a preview of what you will find along with some rules he will be bringing.

via WarCom

Armies of Renown enable you to field legendary or infamous military forces from the lore in your games of Warhammer 40,000. They can even comprise units from a number of different factions in a single Detachment, as is the case with Be’lakor’s Disciples. A special set of restrictions applies to each Army of Renown to ensure that it adheres as accurately as possible to the one that fought in the narrative.

For example, as the original Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided, Be’lakor’s daemonic host comprises units from all four of the Dark Gods. As such, you cannot include a second Khorne Daemon unit in a Be’lakor’s Disciples army unless it includes one Tzeentch Daemon unit, one Nurgle Daemon unit, and one Slaanesh Daemon unit as well.

However, your Army of Renown will be more than compensated for these restrictions with a number of powerful benefits. In the case of Be’lakor’s Disciples, this is quite an extensive list! For starters, all your Troops units gaining Objective Secured (giving them the upper hand when contesting objective markers), access to the army’s bespoke Stratagems* (such as Legions of Shade, below), and the Noctic Discipline for your Psykers.

Furthermore, instead of gaining their normal Daemonic Locus ability, your Daemonic Characters gain the Locus of Shadows ability…

…while your Heretic Astartes units gain the Disciples of Shadow ability in place of their normal Legion Trait.

It’s fair to say that the pall of unnatural shadow that accompanies Be’lakor’s Disciples will give them a significant advantage in any firefight. Of course, you get to include an enormous variety of awesome units, from Chaos Space Marines and Daemon Engines to daemonic cavalry and chariots – not to mention the stunning miniature that is Be’lakor himself.