Tuesday, July 6, 2021

40k Reveals Coming This Weekend

Called the Octarius Mission Briefing. It sounds like a light reveal event, but who knows? Orks have been mentioned but perhaps some Tyranids will be on the horizon? We can only hope.

via Facebook and WarCom

Join us on Saturday for our next Online Preview where we'll be showing off some amazing new Orks.


 Those of you who know your lore will remember that of all the forces that inhabit the Octarius Sector, the Orks have a particularly large presence. Previously content to bloody themselves against the tendrils of Hive Fleet Leviathan, the local greenskins are beginning to spill out into surrounding systems and the constant conflict within Octarius is just about to reach a boiling point.

You may remember from Warhammer Fest Online that more Ork reveals are yet to come, and it’s going to be quite hard to keep the lid on them once they know we’re off to one of their favourite fighty places.*

Make sure to join us promptly on Saturday 10th July at 5:45pm BST/12:45pm EDT so you don’t miss out on any of the excellent reveals. Check out the image below to find out when the Warhammer Preview Online will be going live in your part of the world.