Wednesday, March 31, 2021

April's In-Store Miniature and Collectible Coin

Be'lakor is the topic of this months Collectible Coin and one of his troops for the In-Store Miniature.

via WarCom

The Dark Master has long sought to lead a daemonic uprising, so it’s only fitting that this month’s in-store miniature should be one of his daemonic foot troops.

Puzzle out a scheme to visit your Warhammer shop and see how you can get your eager hands on them. Each daemon is one model from a full Pink Horrors kit with loads of options, so yours may look different from the one in the pic – just as planned… 

Call the shop before you head over, or contact them on Facebook, and learn how you can get one before stock runs low and these daemons return from whence they came. 

While you’re there, spend £60, €80, or $100 USD (or your local equivalent) in-store to nab the highly collectible coin, featuring a Be’lakor-ious design – while supplies last.