Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What's On Your Table: Nurgle Kill Team


We are doing a submission giveaway for What's On Your Table. One lucky submission chosen at random will get a $50 credit/giftcard to a Gaming Company of your choice. (as long as they do gift cards). Send in up to 8 pics or a short video to

So lets get your submissions in on what you have on your table. This lasts through the end of the year. The winner will be random from every submission sent in.

I am a longtime reader of your blog. I've been wanting to send in something for what's on your table for a while now and have finally gotten around to it with these two lovely chaps. They are two of the baddies from the kill keam: rogue trader boxed set with some small modifications. Hope you enjoy them.

Cheers from the Netherlands,

Harm Jan