Friday, July 24, 2020

What's On Your Table: Khorne Titan Legio

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While the lineup is short now, all submissions are presented in the order they are received.

As a very, very long-term reader but first time submitter,  I thought I’d drop you a line showing you what I’ve been working on for the last few weeks.

I have been working on a Khorne-corrupted Titan Legio for Adeptus Titanicus

I started with my original Titan Legio, which I had airbrushed in a blue colour scheme. I decided to rip all the armour panels off, modify the original models with a lot of Chaos and Tyranid bits and then started attacking the models with a lot of a lot of green stuff. 

The paint scheme itself was very easy - it is a black undercoat with stippled-on crimson red, with a light cream colour on the bony parts with an overwash of Agrax Eathshade (what would we ever do without that?). It’s actually one of the simplest colour schemes I’ve ever put onto a model, but I’m pleased with it.
