Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Astra Militarum in the New Edition + How Morale Works

Here is one of my own armies in the spotlights today, the Astra Militarum. I have tons of tanks, tons of infantry with tons of heavy weapons. So lets see what is on the list here.

Astra Militarum
via the Warhammer Community

The Morale Phase

Making a morale test

when you fail a morale test

Reece: The Astra Militarum are set to crush the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. The changes to Vehicles via the Big Guns Never Tire rule make our iconic battle tanks more dependable than ever and able to peel those pesky infantry units off (via the medium of point-blank firepower) to let the cannons sing! Remember to use the amazing Hail of Fire Stratagem from Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good to maximize the firepower of your Leman Russ.


