Monday, April 13, 2020

Fabius Bile Joins Us This Morning.....

A new Psychic Awakening short was just released and its a good one with one of my favorite characters in the 40k universe. Lets see what he has to say.....

via the Warhammer Community- Follow the link for the entire story.

A fleet of ships was slowly drifting in the darkness beyond the Scourge Stars. Strange nebula hung between the infamous systems, almost like billowing clouds or unfathomable masses of putrid spores. Imperial warships that had once plied the void, and Imperial satellites that had ghosted through the cold darkness, were now reduced to rusted hulks and drifting wreckages, tainted by the stuff of the warp and ravaged by the hostile attentions of the Plague God’s worshippers. The very stuff of realspace seethed with the touch of Grandfather Nurgle, for the followers of that foul deity had prevailed utterly throughout this region of space; none but they could hope to survive for long within the aegis of these utterly tainted worlds.

The fleet navigated carefully. They did not flee in horror from the rampant malignancy as Imperial shipmasters might have. They were manned by servants of Chaos themselves – a mixed force of renegades, heretics and lowly pirates – all united under a common cause by one being.

Aboard the Wretch – the sinister flagship of the fleet – that very being pondered over his prize. Amidst a dimly lit laboratory, held by a stasis field that had been strengthened through unholy ritual, the casket hung in mid-air while he slowly walked around it, watching, thinking. A heavy coat sewn from human skin hid the bulk of his power armour. A contorted mass of

servo-arms protruded from his back, studded with syringes, saw blades and barbarous torture devices, which he himself considered scientific tools.

Fabius Bile stopped in his tracks and smiled.

The Ark Cornucontagious.

Finally, it is mine.

(continued at link)