Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Genesys Project Books In Hand!

The books are finally in hand. These are samples from the printer for final approval before we start their journey around the world to everyone that jumped in on the Kickstarter and pre-ordered through Backerkit. These books are beautiful and really in awe just how well they came out.

Check them out in the picture above!

For those that do not know, The Genesys Project is a customizable wargame were you create your own faction by selecting your own Traits and Abilities, customize equipment and spell like powers, vehicles, powered and more. You progress you faction through the three ages of gameplay growing your faction and evolving them to fit your playstyle, theme, or just to match miniatures you already have. The game is miniature agnostic, so you can use whatever miniatures you already have, want to pick up, or customize to your hearts content.

Here are a couple pics from inside the first two books!

You can see more by checking out the latest update on Kickstarter.