Sunday, January 19, 2020

Next Week's Pre-Orders- Warcry

Next week there is a lot coming from Games Workshop for Warcry, Necromunda, and the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Lets take a look at what;s new for Warcry.

There are some changes coming to the site soon, which will focus more specifically upon the games talked about making it easier to focus on the games you are interested in. So games are divided up instead of massive articles where you might miss something that interest you.

(we are getting close and any notice of downtime for the site will be scheduled).

via the Warhammer Community

Ogroid Myrmidon
If you’ve already joined the Slaves to Darkness, then you can also unleash the Ogroid Myrmidon upon the Mortal Realms too.

Spire Tyrants
 As with all of the other Warcry warbands, the Spire Tyrants can also be added to a Slaves of Darkness army in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Three boxes of Non-Chaos Warbands!
Stormcast Eternals, Gloomspite Gitz and Nighthaunt. The Gloomspite Gitz and Nighthaunt also feature an exclusive fighter, bringing Sneaky Snufflers and Myrmourn Banshees to the Eightpoints for the first time.

Nine new card packs allow you to use your Warhammer Age of Sigmar models in Warcry

The Ravaged Lands: Souldrain Forest takes your battles into the woodlands around the Varanspire, providing you with new challenges and thematic terrain.