Friday, January 31, 2020

Be'lakor in the Wrath of the Everchosen

The new upcoming Wrath of the Everchosen book has new rules for Be'lakor in the Age of Sigmar. The book goes up for pre-orders tomorrow but the miniature is available now! Yea, its one of my own  (very old) favorite miniatures in my arsenal. Would definitely like to pull him back out.

via the Warhammer Community

The Wrath of the Everchosen book that’s up for pre-order this weekend includes rules for the ill-fated Daemon Prince, as well as his daemonic foot soldiers. 

The First Prince of Chaos
Be’lakor has existed since times immemorial. He was the first mortal to ascend to daemonhood, becoming a Daemon Prince of unrivalled status and power. What dark deeds he performed to earn such a boon is a mystery known only to Be’lakor and the Dark Gods themselves. Be’lakor’s infernal masters were pleased with their new champion at first and poured forth their blessings with each new atrocity he engineered and terrible slaughter he committed. Yet as his might and power increased in potency, so too did his hubris – a trait that would ultimately lead to a colossal downfall…

As is so often the case with the Great Game they play, the Dark Gods soon grew tired of the status quo and began looking elsewhere for fresh entertainment. The biggest blow to Be’lakor’s towering ego came when the Chaos Gods began to elevate other champions into Daemon Princes – up until that point, the First Prince had no rivals for the attention of his masters. Yet exactly what Be’lakor did to turn their neglect into fury, none can truly say. All that is known is that he was stripped of much of his power and cast aside by the Dark Gods, ever to dwell, quite literally, in shadow.

Down But Not Out
In spite of his fall from grace, Be’lakor remains an ancient evil who has left his indelible mark on each of the Mortal Realms over the ages. His form is as insubstantial as morning mist, and from the darkness he manipulates the fates of mortals with a wicked intellect born of timeless cruelty. He still commands a vast daemonic host, known as the Legion of the First Prince, comprising numberless foot soldiers from the ranks of all four Chaos powers.

For their part, the Dark Gods seem content to leave Be’lakor to his own devices, and it is believed that the First Prince of Chaos even ruled the realm of Ulgu for a time before the coming of Malerion. Yet to Be’lakor, the bitterness at his perceived betrayal at the hands of his masters is still as fresh as ever.

A Rivalry as Old as Time
By far the greatest humiliation Be’lakor was forced to endure after falling out of the Dark Gods’ favour was the crowning of their mightiest mortal champion. The rise of Archaon was a meteoric one, and once he had gathered the chosen artefacts of the Everchosen – including the Slayer of Kings and Dorghar, the Steed of the Apocalypse – he earned the right to become the foremost champion of the Chaos Gods. Be’lakor was summoned to a great ceremony where he was made to ordain Archaon as the Everchosen – a title he surely coveted and yet would be denied forever.

Ever since, Be’lakor has maintained an uneasy relationship with Archaon. Though they have fought in common cause numerous times since that fateful day, Be’lakor remains as ambitious as ever, and no doubt seeks to take advantage of Archaon’s seeming disdain for the Dark Gods and oversee the downfall of his arch-rival.