Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What's On Your Table: Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight Lancers

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com

These are my Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight Lancers. I've always loved the Lancers, but it always bothered me that the models have these energy shields and it's just open space. So, decided to try out some diorama water effect paste to see what kind of result I could get. Process was simple - put some blue painter tape on the backside of the shield, applied the paste (goes on and looks like Elmer's Glue), and let it sit for 24 hours. All in all pretty happy with the results. Definitely areas for improvement and would like to try out some other tricks with tints and so forth. 
