Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Intricacies of Combat- Charging Across the Battlefield.

9 Days left of The Genesys Project being available to pre-order through Backerkit. Thought I would talk about one of my favorite core mechanics for the Genesys Project. Melee Combat.

Over all melee combat in through most games is a manner of rolling dice, looking at my massive number of re-rolls, and is not really that encompassing. So what I wanted to dive into today is one of the intricacies of what makes melee combat in The Genesys Project really exciting!

Definition- Combat Situation
Both players front load all their bonuses and compare them to each other (a number between 0-4). Bonuses include Strength, Outnumbering, High Ground, Charging, etc. Compare the two totals and the highest player has the what we call "the Advantage" and takes the difference between the two sides and gets to apply them to their die rolls for the combat!

This means that the player with the advantage is getting a bonus to on their die rolls while the player that does not have it.... well, they are simply using their miniature's stats when rolling to hit or save.

So what happens when two squads are charging across the battlefield and collide? Who gets a charging bonus?

In many games its only the active player and it becomes a chess game on who is going to make the charge. In the Genesys Project you maintain your any Movement Enhancements you get until the end of your next activation. This means two squads charging across the field is very dramatic, as both squads are moving fast to hit each hard in melee combat retaining their movement bonus and applying it to charging!

So two squads charging each other (and yes, cavalry charges are so much fun), both retain their charging bonuses that are applied to the Combat Situation for the combat.

So we are on a 10 minus countdown with only 9 days left now for you to get the game at Kickstarter Prices. You can do this through backerkit.

Here is a reminder what is available.

Pre-Order Store on Backerkit
See more here

The Genesys Project is a Customizable Wargame. You decide what traits your factions have, and create your own faction, advancing through gameplay. Its a Miniature Agnostic game meaning you already have the miniatures you need to play the game.

The Core Rules Hardback $30
Digital Version $20
96 page book
Inside is everything you need to play in all three ages of the game, from missions to progression. The rules themselves are 45 pages long with everything in there, from board set up, gameplay, missions and progression awards.

Included are 7 playable factions! All their rules for each one. There are 2 Humanoid factions, 1 Fey, 1 Reptilia, 1 Biest, 1 Insekt, and one Monster Hybrid faction. Its literally 7 complete factions that you can play as is, or even customize and advance through gameplay. Literally you can play the game right out of this book!

Literally the value of the game is a little crazy on this book.

The Birth of Genesys Hardback $40
Digital Version $30
200 page book
This is the first age. A medieval fantasy setting were you can create your faction from any of the 5 Domains of Life- Humanoid, Fey, Reptilia, Biest, and Insekt. Create your own Monsters, Dragons, customize your spells and equipment, your faction is yours to create.

This book has literally hundreds of traits for each domain and you would not believe the level of customization that is possible. Create a human faction and study forbidden lore to start turning your people into undead minions! So much is possible, and your story is just beginning.

This book contains everything you need to select new traits and new classes for existing factions or one you created yourself. This is the companion book for the Core Rules and in tandem are everything you need to really take off in this game.