Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rumors of a 9th Edition Box Set Coming.... Space Wolves vs Orks

Of course these are rumors. While I have been hearing (nothing concrete) that 9th is coming next year around the normal time.

We have been hearing of a new Ghazgul model for quite some time so that part seems a continuation of what we have been hearing. Most of this sounds plausible, but one thing interesting is the Space Wolves vs Orks, seems done before and not enough punch to it without perhaps something bigger happening.

These are rumors via KiriothTV

So the rumour has it that the box set for 9th will be Orks vs Space Wolves.

- The Black Templars vs Orks box is incorrect, there is apparently going to be a Space Wolves vs Orks box.
- In addition to this box, Ghazgull is getting a new bigger model, but I’m not entirely sure if he’ll be included in this box.
- This Space Wolves vs Orks box is going to be THE box that promotes 9th edition.
- All the races are getting new ‘8.5’ codices that will be compatible with 9th edition that will be releasing next year.
- 9th edition is not going to be a radical change, but more minor rules changes and additional ideas. Do not expect alternate activations or major fundamental changes in the new edition.
- A closer release is going to be a new Illuminor Szeras model. No details on it's appearance, but it’ll have a new 80mm base and be a centrepiece Necron HQ.
- Melee Primaris will appear sometime next year as part of 9th Edition.