Monday, December 24, 2018

The New Evolved White Dwarf!

White Dwarf is going through some changes. The last few years White Dwarf has gone through some serious evolution. Here is the latest.

via the Warhammer Community
The ultimate Warhammer magazine is about to evolve. If you missed yesterday’s exciting announcement about the future of White Dwarf, you can catch it here.
Today, we’ll not only be previewing some of the awesome new content in January’s issue, we’ll also be looking further ahead to what lies in store for fans of Warhammer 40,000…

From January onwards, Warhammer 40,000 will have its own dedicated section within the pages of White Dwarf. Each month, you’ll be treated to regular columns by the game’s rules and background writers, short stories set in the grim darkness of the far future, Battle Reports and army showcases. Oh, and you’ll also be treated to brand-new rules and background for Warhammer 40,000 every month! Check out the awesome section opener in January’s issue:
First up (and we’re sure that some of you already spotted it) is the return of an old favourite – Index Astartes! If you’re a fan of Space Marines and want to learn all you can about them – including some of the less prominent Chapters – you’re gonna love this series. This classic article series returns at last, reforged and better than ever, offering in-depth background on the temperament, organisation, home world and legendary heroes of an Adeptus Astartes Chapter. Not only that, but Index Astartes features new rules for representing them in battles, such as Chapter Tactics, Warlord Traits, Stratagems and Relics! The mighty Crimson Fists are the subject of January’s issue:
You’ll probably want to get your hands on some Crimson Fists after all that – design studio army painter Dan Hyams certainly did (in fact, his impressive Primaris army of Crimson Fists earned him the honour of an army showcase in January’s issue). If you need a hand painting your own collection of Crimson Fists, army painter Jay Goldfinch presents a handy Paint Splatter stage-by-stage guide on how to paint them:
White Dwarf will regularly feature new Warhammer 40,000 fiction from the talented background writers who are responsible for producing the bestiaries and sweeping narrative stories in the codexes and campaign books. This material will be exclusive to White Dwarf, and will support the wider ongoing narrative of the 41st Millennium every month. In January’s issue, Nick Horth pens a story set on Vigilus featuring the Genestealer Cults:
Among the new regular columns set to grace the pages of White Dwarf is Echoes from the Warp. In it, lead rules writer Robin Cruddace will be discussing the nuances of Warhammer 40,000’s rules and tactics, as well as offering insight into the development of the game itself. In January’s issue, Robin talks about the origins of the current edition of the game and how it came into being.
And that’s just a hint at the awesome future content for Warhammer 40,000 in White Dwarf! Be sure to check back later in the week, when we’ll be looking at what lies ahead for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and our other games in future issues of White Dwarf. And remember, now’s the time to subscribe if you want your copy a few days early – and for your issues to be clad in the exclusive subscribers-only covers from the start!