Monday, December 17, 2018

The Big FAQ is Live

The Big FAQ is Live with the latest rules updates and erratas for the Age of Sigmar. Just about every army is updated.

You can see and download the your FAQ's Here

via the Design Studio

“The rules team is happy to announce the latest update to the errata and design commentary for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

As well as answering the new questions we’ve received since the last update, we’ve taken the opportunity to update the wording on some of the older answers based on the feedback we’ve received, and to reorganise the order in which some of the answers appear so they’re easier to find.

Our grateful thanks go out to the dozens of playtesters who helped us with the update, and to the players who have sent us their questions. If there is anything you think we’ve missed, you can let us know by sending an email to with your question.”